
Chris Caswell is described by all of his friends as a "robot builder." He once made a robot out of a small motor and a balloon; given a paper clip and chewing gum he could construct a bomb, and, just like Macguyver, he would use it only to free himself and then save a litter of trapped puppies. However, if you called him Macguyver he would earnestly tell you his name is Chris, never having heard of pretty much every pop culture reference.

That's okay though. Living in his head means that new, exciting, innovative ideas crop up all the time. Here at Carry the What? those ideas are turned into reality. 

A professorial type from age twelve or so, Chris could often be found un-ironically wearing a corduroy jacket with pleather elbow patches. He values nothing more than learning and is thrilled that years of tinkering and inventing have finally become a business. He can't wait to share it with you!

Cyndi Laird is a dreamer. Not one of those head-in-the-clouds dreamers, more like someone who can't help but think BIG. David Byrne jacket, big.

She knows that ideas are beautiful things - but without action there's not too much you can do with them. She is a woman of action, gleefully putting together spreadsheets and timetables to turn any vision into a reality. 

Design comes as naturally to her as organization, so if you can think it up - she can make it real and make it pretty. That's why being a part of Carry the What? is such a delight for her; part engineering, part art, part science...and lots of fun.